MMI Calculator

The RateFast MMI Calculator is the fastest way to see the date of Maximal Medical Improvement on a workers’ comp claim with any amount of information. Learn more about the MMI Calculator here!

MMI Simple Calculator

The MMI Simple Calculator is a free version of the MMI calculator app which contains the elements needed to give the most high-level view of the forecast of a claim. You can try the MMI Simple Calculator here!

Goniometer App

The free RateFast Goniometer app is a simple digital tool for iOS to measure a patient’s range of motion. You can try the Goniometer here!

RateFast Legacy Software

RateFast has developed our software suite in order to input claim information and generate workers’ comp reports instantly. Every RateFast Express report is written using our own proprietary software. If you are interested in using the RateFast Legacy software, you can visit our RateFast Legacy page to learn more!